Complaint Against Flipkart

How To Complaint Against Flipkart In Consumer Court?

Complaint Against Flipkart

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Flipkart is a leading E-commerce platform in India, established in 2007 offering a wide range of products such as fashion, electronics, and household essentials, its intuitive and diverse offerings have solidified its status as a household name, significantly influencing India’s e-commerce landscape.

While Flipkart enjoys popularity, consumer feedback often centers around issues such as late deliveries, damaged and incorrect products, etc. 

To address such issues and complaints, the platform offers a specific space for users to seek solutions and resolutions. By lodging the complaint individuals can access support for the customer care of Flipkart and if their matter is not resolved by the customer care then they can seek help from the consumer Court.

What Types Of Issues Online Website Consumers Faces?

  • Delivery: Problem of shipments being late, missing, or wrong.
  • Quality of goods: Goods that are defective, broken, or fake ones.
  • Return / Refund: Problems in product return and refunding money for it.
  • Service: Poor service or no response to customers.
  • Payment matters: Issues with transactions such as double billing, failed payments, etc.
  • Warranty and Repair Services: Difficulties claiming warranties on products and getting them repaired
  • Account-Related: Account access issues and account activity not authorized by the user
  • Offering misleading Listings: Inaccurate product descriptions or pictures that do not represent what you received.
What to Do If Flipkart Doesn’t Resolve Product-Related Complaint
  • Escalation to higher authorities: Contact Flipkart’s customer care asking to speak to supervisor/manager.
  • Use Social media: Post your grievance on Flipkart’s social media platforms e.g. Twitter or Facebook so that everyone’s attention is drawn toward it
  • Consumer Forum: You can file a complaint with the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) or through the Consumer Forum website of your country.
  • Mail Grievance Officer: Email Flipkart’s Grievance officer with a detailed complaint accompanied by any supporting evidence
  • Legal Notice: Prepare and submit legal notice to Flipkart outlining your problem and the desired outcome.
  • Approach Consumer Court: If all fails then finally you can file a case in the District or Consumer Court

Can I complain against Flipkart in Consumer Court if they don’t resolve my complaint?

Yes, you can complain against Flipkart in the consumer court if they don’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. Here’s how you can do it:

Sort out the problem with Flipkart

  • Contact Customer Support: Try solving this issue through the company’s customer care service over email, phone, or chat before going to consumer court.
  • Keep all Records: Keep a record of every communication, including emails, chat logs, and any reply from Flipkart.

Get Your Documents Together

  • Order Details: Any order confirmation emails, invoices, and other documents that relate to it.
  • Payment Receipts: For instance, keep bank statements or credit card receipts as evidence of payment.
  • Communication Records: Save everything you have ever said to Flipkart’s customer service in regard to your case; this includes emails, chat transcripts, and call recordings.
  • Evidence of Issue: Take pictures or screenshots showing this (e.g., damaged products, wrong items).

Write a Complaint

  • State your grievance clearly by outlining its issues along with what you have done concerning it as well as what you want done about it
  •  Give Proof: support your claim with all related materials attached together

File a Complaint

  • Find Right Forum As per the value of claims file complaints on respective consumer forums;
  • District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (DCDRF): For claims up to ₹1 crore.
    National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC): For claims above ₹10 crore.

Attend Hearings

  • Court Hearing: Comply with the instructions the court gives you, attend hearings, and provide any further clarification that may be required.
  • Advocate Help: You may hire an advocate, although it is not compulsory, to assist you in court proceedings.

What documents do I need to file a Consumer Complaint against Flipkart?

  • Complaint Letter: A detailed written complaint stating your grievance and the relief you seek.
  • Proof of Purchase: Order confirmation, invoices, and payment receipts.
  • Communication Records: Copies of emails, chat logs, and call records with Flipkart’s customer service.
  • Identity: A copy of your ID, such as your Aadhar card, passport, or driving license.
  • Evidence: Photos, screenshots, or any other form of proof that supports your complaint.
  • Supporting Documents: Any other documents that support your claim.

What are the steps to file a Consumer Complaint against Flipkart?

  • Step 1: Collect evidence, Start by gathering all the necessary documents such as order details, payment receipts, Flipkart customer service email, and any other supporting documents relevant to your case.
  • Step 2: Contact Flipkart. You may prefer your complaint to be heard directly by the Flipkart Customer Care. All communication should be recorded.
  • Step 3: Make a written complaint. Compose a complaint about what you are complaining about, what you have done regarding it, and what resolution or compensation that you want.
  • Step 4: File your complaint. Take your complaint to the nearest consumer court or district forum along with the necessary documentation and prescribed fees.
  • Step 5: Follow Court Rules. In case of any court hearing scheduled at the consumer complaint forum, you will need to show up and give further information or evidence required.
  • Step 6: Wait for a decision. The consumer forums read through cases put before them and make orders accordingly in relation to each one of them. In case they find it valid then there is a possibility that Flipkart could be ordered to pay compensation or other relief measures against him/her.

You might also want to consult legal advice for guidance on how to go through it and understand the difference between the Court Notice & Legal Notice before taking any legal action.

How to file a Consumer Complaint online?

Many states in the country have online portals that can be used to file consumer complaints. You can check this website of the National Consumer Helpline ( and visit the website of the state consumer court in which you intend to file your complaint for more information and online submission.

Now that you have the following steps and know the required documents, you can go ahead and lodge a complaint against Flipkart in the consumer court if your issue remains unsolved through their customer service channels.

We at eDrafter also provides the consumer complaint service where you can consult your case with our experienced advocates and they will guide you for all the available legal option for you as an consumers. Our Advocates will help you to take all the steps to protect your consumer rights and help you get the compensation.


While Flipkart stands as a prominent shopping spot in India’s e-commerce sector, consumers are facing issues regarding delayed deliveries, product quality, and inadequate customer service. To address such concerns, individuals can take steps by collecting evidence and then contacting customer care. If the issue remains unresolved then the individual can seek help from the consumer court, by following the outlined steps and assembling the necessary documents, a consumer can navigate the process. 

Author Name

Vanshi Singhal – Legal Intern & Content Writer

Vanshi Singhal is a dedicated legal intern with a passion for providing insightful and thorough legal research and support. In addition to her legal expertise, She is an accomplished content writer, skilled in crafting engaging and informative articles, blog posts, and other written content. She combined experience in law and writing allows her to communicate complex legal concepts clearly and effectively, making valuable contributions to both legal projects and content development.