Hello, Hope you are doing Great. Today in this blog, We will discuss the difference between, Non-Judicial Stamp Paper vs e-Stamp Paper Few get confuse and not notice the difference between these groups of words. The highlights in these group of words is ‘E’ You must have seen that the only difference in this group of words is ‘e’. Now …
Examples of DDA Property Cases for Knowledge
As per our Experience, we want to Share Few Case Studies Handled with our Readers, to provide more Knowledge and not only the Knowledge but yes the Appropriate one. Have a Look at Few of our Case Studies: Case: – “Sunny” The Only Legal Heir of the DDA Freehold Property wants to transfer/change the title of the Property in his …
How to Terminate the Power of Attorney?
“Power of Attorney” means the person authorizing another person to perform various acts on his/her behalf. For ex: Sale of Property, Renting/Maintenance of Property etc. The Person who is authorizing the other person is called as Principal or Donor of the Power. HOW TO TERMINATE THE POWER OF ATTORNEY? Transferring the Power: If Authorized Person transfer his power to another person then …
Why the Cases are pending in Delhi Development Authority?
We all know that somehow few Cases are pending in Delhi Development Authority for Freehold Conversion, Mutation etc due to some Causes. From our personal experiences on these issues, We want to share few Reasons for the same in order to make these Reasons Avoidable/Preventable. Some of the Reasons are:- Lack of Knowledge: The lack of Knowledge of the Process leads to …
How to Register the Rental Agreement in Delhi ?
Planning to Register your Rental Agreement in Delhi? Today in this Blog we are going to Discuss the Steps which need to be follow in order to Register the Rental Agreement in Delhi. How to Register the Rent Agreement in Delhi? Here are the Steps to follow for Registering the Rental Agreement: STEP 1: Draft the Rental Agreement stating the …
Notarized Rent Agreement Or Registered Rent Agreement?
Many people get confused about these two Terms- Notarized OR Registered. After making the Rent Agreement usually the next step is whether to make it Attested from Notary Public or to Registered it. Today in this blog we are going to point out every detail about it. So, Let’s first start with the Small Introduction about Rental Agreement. What is …
What is Non Judicial e-Stamp Paper?
What is Non Judicial Stamp paper? Non Judicial Stamp paper and Legal Paper (Plain Paper) both are different terms in aspect of their nature. On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Magistrate never write the decision of the Case, though Magistrate writes the decision on the Legal Paper (Plain Paper). That is why it is called a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper. The Paper which …
How To Make Rent Agreement in Delhi? | Create Delhi Rent Agreement Online
Table Of Content Delhi is the city and the capital territory of the Republic of India. The most populous city with a population of about 25 million. This makes it the second-most populous city and most populous urban agglomeration in India. Previously there was a stamp paper in Delhi but the prevailing system of stamp paper had changed by the …
Leasehold Property V/S Freehold Property
By the name we can tell which one is better.Obviously,Freehold Property! Lease means a contract by which one party conveys land or property to another for a specified time.(In Short)~you are bounded from the rights of ownership. And,Freehold means having the full right of ownership on the property. Ownership is not the only criteria. Freehold is preceding leasehold in many …
What is Freehold Property?
“Freehold Property” name itself says Free-hold that means the owner can freely hold the property without any restrictions. Sounds Confusing? OK let’s go in a depth of what actually Freehold Property is: Freehold Property means that : You are the complete Owner of the Property. You are free from the state of being Restricted. You can enjoy the complete Ownership throughout …